I recently returned Quake 4 for the XBOX 360 to my rental subscription so I thought I would update with this review.
Just to start out I have played all Quakes that have been made and I still will never find one that will give me as much fun as the first one. I played that multiplayer for 100s of hours in LANFest, tournaments, or just pick up games. Nothing will top Quake 1 CTF with the grappling hook or if there is something I hope it comes soon, but I digress.
Quake 4 single player was actually still quite enjoyable. You play Micheal Kane a rough and tough marine, who as usual gets the short end of every stick.
The graphics are very clear, I was expecting this to be a poor port from the PC but I was happy when I saw them. The problem from the port I think happened at points when I noticed the screen get choppy. Now the XBOX 360 is like a mini nuclear reactor so I think for all that power it should be able to handle almost anything thrown at it. Luckily these points were far and few between.
The gameplay can never match a mouse and keyboard for the first person shooter and this is no exception. It as your standard button layout as per most first person shooters and since there is nothing particularly special I don't feel like going into it.
Replayability is something that I have thought about more and more now that I rent most of my games. Quake 4 was fun I was say it again but I don't think I could play through it again on single player for a while. Now where it should pick up some replayability is the multiplayer but somehow this was screwed up. Basically you join games as per any FPS game and there a few types to start. Now once you enter a game a clock will count down 2 minutes as soon as two people are in the room. This is nice since it gives more people a chance to join but eventually cuts the loses and starts the game (if 8 people show it starts). So you haven't even started and you are at 2 minutes wait now you have to load. This is where I started losing my cool. There was another 1-2 minute wait to load. So I haven't even started but each time I want to play it is 2-5 minute wait to play. To top everything off I found that lag problems arose once I started playing and I had never seen them before in other games which started also getting me down.
I would suggest if you have enjoyed previous FPS and you want a game to play rent this and play through the single player but just don't even bother with the multiplayer.